Test your knowledge and see if you can guess if these real locations or replica cities built in another country. Some may be easy (if you have visited them before) and some are designed to be a little harder. 7 out of 10 would be considered a good score on this quiz. Good luck
Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

This is an image from Tianducheng, (Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China) where half a billion dollar project with housing for 10,000 people was built some 10 years ago and was based on French Neoclassical style. The centerpiece is, of course, the replica Eiffel Tower.
Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

This image is from Thames Town (Songjiang District near Shanghai) and it occupies only 1 sqm. The town features clubhouse, supermarket, churches, lake, and villas all modeled off a UK riverside village of old. Jointly built by Shanghai Songjiang New City Construction Development Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Henghe Real Estate Co., Ltd., and several large real estate development companies.
Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

This is an image from Jackson Hole, Beijing Hebei Province, which is based on the American town of the same name.
Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

This is Portofino located in Shenzhen China and is a luxury residential area replicating a fishing village on the Italian Riviera coastline.
Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

This image is from Bavaria Town, Heyuan, China and is a replica of a Bavarian town with residences, hot spring resort, water park, hotels, and brewery.
Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

Is this a Chinese replica city or the original location?

This image is from Hangzhou’s Venice Water Town and was built on a series of man-made canals.