Lots of great cities around the world have a an amazing park, usually located in the center of the city, which is enjoyed by tourists and locals. In this weeks quiz we ask if you can name the city from a picture and the name of its famous park? There are 20 questions and we think 14/20 would be the score to beat, good luck.
1. São Paulo
2. Rio de Janerio
3. Brasilia
1. Valencia
2. Porto
3. Barcelona
1. Barcelona
2. Lisbon
3. Madrid
1. Vancover
2. Toronto
3. Seattle
1. Bangkok
2. Jakarta
3. Singapore
1. Budapest
2. Vienna
3. Prague
1. Athens
2. Rome
3. Venice
1. Paris
2. Milan
3. Zurich
1. New York
2. Washington D.C.
3. Philadelphia
1. Adelaide
2. Sydney
3. Perth
1. Hamburg
2. Munich
3. Frankfurt
1. Rotterdam
2. Lisse
3. Antwerp
1. Leeds
2. London
3. Manchester
1. Copenhagen
2. Stockholm
3. Helsinki
1. Los Angeles
2. San Francisco
3. San Diego
1. El Paso
2. Monterrey
3. Mexico City
1. Shanghai
2. Hong Kong
3. Beijing
1. Jakarta
2. Kuala Lumpar
3. Singapore
1. Tokyo
2. Seoul
3. Taipei
1. Liverpool
2. Glasgow
3. Dublin