How well do you know currencies around the world?

From dollars to pounds and peso to francs, can you identify what are the main currencies used in countries around the world. This quiz has 20 questions ranging from countries using Euro’s through to guessing the country from the currency? We think 12/20 would be the score to beat, good luck.

What is the main currency used in Vietnam?

1. Rial
2. Dollar
3. Dong

What is the main currency used in Singapore?

1. Peso
2. Dollar
3. Rupee

In which country would you pay with Ringgit?

1. Mongolia
2. Maldives
3. Malaysia

Which country below does not use Dollars as its main currency?

1. Australia
2. Canada
3. Samoa

In which European country below, is Euro not the main currency?

1. France
2. Denmark
3. Portugal

What is the main currency used in Indonesia?

1. Rupiah
2. Riel
3. Rupee

Which country below does not use Rupee as its main currency?

1. Sri Lanka
2. India
3. Indonesia

Which country below does not use Franc as its main currency?

1. Cameroon
2. Panama
3. Switzerland

What is the main currency used in the Czech Republic?

1. Krone
2. Koruna
3. Euro

In which country would you pay with Baht?

1. Thailand
2. Indonesia
3. Malaysia

In which country would you pay with Yuan?

1. Japan
2. South Korea
3. China

In which country would you pay with Rand?

1. Zimbabwe
2. South Africa
3. Zambia

In which country would you pay with Yen?

1. Japan
2. South Korea
3. China

Which country below does not use Dirham as its main currency?

1. Morocco
2. United Arab Emirates
3. Algeria

What is the main currency used in the Turkey?

1. Lira
2. Mark
3. Dinar

In which country would you pay with Kuna?

1. Sweden
2. Croatia
3. Czech Republic

What is the main currency used in Egypt?

1. Pound
2. Dollar
3. Euro

What is the main currency used in the United Kingdom?

1. Euro
2. Pound
3. Dollar

Which country below does not use Peso as its main currency?

1. Philippines
2. Peru
3. Mexico

What is the main currency used in the Brazil?

1. Peso
2. Dollar
3. Real

All 20 questions completed!

World currencies

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