Welcome to this weeks ultimate traveller quiz, where you can test your knowledge or guess some answers. Some questions may be easy and some are designed to be a little harder. 10 out of 15 would be considered a good score on this quiz. Good luck
1. Cape Island
2. Treasure Island
3. Robben Island
1. New York
2. London
3. Paris
1. Cuban Cigar
2. Native of Barbados
3. Arabian Sailboat
1. Sudan
2. Chad
3. Algeria
1. Wangaratta
2. Wodonga
3. Mildura
1. Scandinavia
2. Alaska
3. Caribbean
1. Brazil
2. Portugal
3. Argentina
1. Shield and Spear
2. Orchid
3. Southern Cross
1. Fondoriolist
2. Pennanologist
3. Vexillologist
1. Krishna
2. Ganges
3. Yumana
1. Barcelona
2. Buenos Aires
3. Rio De Janerio
1. Blue
2. Purple
3. Green
1. Ballarat
2. Walhalla
3. Bendigo
1. Togo
2. Yemen
3. Djibouti
1. Berlin
2. Hamburg
3. Munich